Monday 1 August 2016

Bojack Horseman - What it means to me.

Bojack Horseman is a show where after it's finished, you look at your black screen, and see yourself looking back at you and you wonder "Is this really what life is".

The dark twisted humour used within the show is what makes me keep coming back each year. It's a show where I would recommend people to watch but not say they would enjoy, simply let them find out for themselves and how committed they are to the dark truths that the word holds, from drugs to abortions. And at the end of season 3, I honestly want to help Bojack after everything that has happened to him and yet, he is just an animated horse, telling a very real story of love, loss, depression, want, need and dependence.

For each season ending, I never say "I want the next season faster" I simply say "Wow" and then I sit there and think.

Chloe W